Tag Archives: property

Tips for Buying Lakeshore Property

Tips When Buying Lakeshore Property

Tips When Buying Lakeshore Property


Purchasing real estate is always a big decision, but when you are looking at buying lakeshore property, there are other important considerations.

Purchasing a lake home is an important decision, and future value will be determined mostly by the quality of the lake and the lakefront land. Here some tips that you should keep in mind when you’re looking for the perfect waterfront property.



  • Don’t buy any kind of land without setting foot on it first; of course, this applies to any real estate purchase. Take the time to look it over closely and inspect it personally. Locate a copy of the plat map and find exactly where the property lines are.


  • Tips to Buying Lakeshore Property

    Buying Lakeshore Property

    See if there are any flood plain restrictions. If you build or buy a lake home in a flood zone it may be difficult to get insurance.


  • Talk to the neighbors. Ask what they think of the area and the lake. Are they happy with the neighborhood? If they love living on their lakeshore property, they’ll let you know – if they hate it, they’ll tell you that too.


  • If you want to build a lake home, be sure the lot will support a house of the size and setback you want. What are the shoreline restrictions?


  • If you’re buying lakeshore property in a remote location, know who is responsible for maintaining the road. Some banks need a road maintenance agreement before they  lend on remote properties.


  • Determine if the lake is constant level. If it’s not a constant level lake, then the water levels could fluctuate drastically.


  • Learn how this lakeshore property will change in the different seasons or when the weather changes.


  • If you’re planning on building a lake home, make sure you’ll have access to electricity, water, sewage and other utilities. Never assume that you can just “hook up”.


  • What size boat or boats do you plan to have? Is there adequate docking for it? If not, are there covenants that restrict you from getting it?
  • Interested in building a boat house or other structure after buying lakeshore property? Then make sure that there are no restrictive covenants preventing you from doing so. Many lake areas have limits on the building of new boat houses and/or docks.


  • Are you into fishing? Recreation? Swimming? Learn everything you can about the lake. Some lakes do not allow any motorized watercraft. Some lakes are great for swimming or fishing, and others are not. If you’re really into sport fishing, be sure to check which lakes have the best fishing for the particular species you like to fish.


  • Lastly, before you make the purchase offer on any lakeshore property, always make it conditional on an inspection of the land, its improvements, and any other specific items that apply. For example, if you don’t have access to sewage lines, make the offer conditional on your ability to get permits for a septic system. Of course, always make your offer for buying lakeshore property contingent on your ability to get financing for this lakefront property.



With these practical tips, you should be able to find and purchase the perfect lakeshore property, and enjoy if for many years to come!

Other Lakeshore Property Articles:




Lake Property Tips: Do You Prefer A Lake Camp or A Lake Home?

Buying a Lake Property Tips…A Lake Camp or Lake Home?

Buying a Lake Property Tips

Lake Property Tips…A Lake Home

Many lake property buyers begin thinking about owning a place on a lake after visiting a friend or family member’s lake property. It was probably great weather, lots of fun on the water, and an overall wonderful time. You spent quality time as a couple, or the family enjoyed being able to play,and have fun together. It was truly a getaway, and soon you were dreaming about your own place on the lake.

Should you jump in and move to the lake year-round, or buy a seasonal camp or cottage? There are benefits and drawbacks to both lake homes and lake camps or cottages; let’s examine the pros and cons:

Lake Homes: PROS

  • As a rule it costs less to own just one property.  Typically it will cost more to actually live on the lake full-time, because you will need extra space and amenities you might not need in a camp.
  • It’s easier to keep up a single property.
  • You are always there, so there’s no need to drive to the lake property on weekends saving gas and time.
  • Since you’re at the lake property all the time, you’ll have a built-in neighborhood of people around the lake who you may become friends. Many lakeshore property owners like the idea of getting to know others on the same lake.
  • You don’t need to tote tools, supplies, and boats back and forth, and you don’t need to have two sets of everything.
  • You’ll have a lot of company!

Lake Homes: CONS

  • You might not feel like you’re really getting away.  At home there are always day-to-day chores that don’t really go away just because it is the weekend. Going to the cottage can be a getaway from this routine.
  • You might have neighbors on the lake who use their lake property as camps. When they are there for the weekend – with their friends – they want to have a good time.  Lake living, especially on the weekend in the summer,  may not be as quiet as living off the water.
  • There maybe times when you will want to go to another lake – or just somewhere else – but you’ll feel a bit tied to this lake place.
  • Besides the regular chores that go with owning a home, you will have the extra maintenance of the shoreline, dock, and other items staring you in the face every day… where at the cabin you only see them when you get there.
  • You’ll have a lot of company!

Lake Camps, Cabins or Cottages: PROS

Lake Property Tips…A Lake Camp

  • You are away from it all… the whole time you’re there.
  • It probably feels more like being on vacation than it would being at your lake home.
  • Many of your neighbors are also there for a limited time, so they will tend to be more upbeat and relaxed.
  • When company visits, they’re more inclined to help out with food and supplies, along with pitching in on chores and clean-up than they would at your home.
  • Most people can get by with a little less when they’re at camp, so you won’t have to worry as much about putting all the finishing touches on the place, or making sure everything is super tidy.  Lake cottages are meant to offer a break from all those chores so that you can enjoy the lake… and fishing, reading, conversation, and recreational activities…without having to feel like the chores are hanging over your head.
  • If you like working on projects, you can be a little more relaxed and creative at camp.
  • Often you can buy a cabin within your budget and on a higher quality lake, than you would be able to afford to live full-time on.
  • Camps, cottages and cabins offer a unique atmosphere for bonding of family and friends.  The world slows down a little when you are at the cabin, and relationships become easier.  It is hard to place a value on this benefit!

Lake Camps, Cabins or Cottages: CONS

  • Distance from home can be a negative, so make sure you don’t get further away than you can comfortably travel.  For people with more flexible schedules, they can sometimes find a bit better deals by going an extra hour from home.
  • Finding contractors and others to help keep up your cottage can be difficult since you have to find them while you’re there. You also have to be a bit more trusting that these people will get the jobs done right, since you can’t always be watching over them.
  • Maintenance issues such as leaky roofs and bad furnaces can happen when you’re not there, so it is good to have someone you trust check on the camp occasionally.
  • Added costs(heat, electric, taxes, maintenance, etc.). But lake property also can be a good investment for the future, overshadowing the negatives.
  • You might want to travel to other places; having a lake property might cause you to think twice about travelling.  People go through different phases in their lives, depending on a variety of factors such as: children’s ages. grandchildren; their health; relationships with friends and family; and wanderlust.  Be sure it is the right time in your life to have a lake camp before you buy one.

One last note:

Know what exactly you’re looking for; it makes it easier to know when the right place is available, and will prevent buying into a lake property, house or camp that isn’t really the dream that you thought it would be. We made a list of everything that we wanted, and probably scored about 95% of what we wanted, even though it took almost two years.

These items should help you think about what is important to you when it comes to choosing between a lake home or a lake cottage.  We chose to move to our lake house full-time for the reasons listed above.